Mike Van Drie
Feb 5, 2021
Moments are fleeting.
Parenting moments are fleeting even faster. Maybe it’s because my wife and I adopted our son at 8 that I am so sensitive to this reality....

Mike Van Drie
Nov 17, 2020
How to Use This Remarkably Influential Parenting Tool
The table. The table is a powerful place where some of our most influential parenting can occur. What table am I talking about? Well, for...

AmyJo Pleune
Sep 9, 2020
7 Keys to Engaging Your Busy Teen
If you’re like me, you have a new driver adding key tracking, gas watch, and drive time to his added list of teenage responsibilities...

Talk with your Teen
Aug 7, 2020
Be On Constant Repeat
It feels like 90% of parenting is repeating myself. Most of the time this frustrates me. My guess is that it is similar for you. If I am...

Talk with your Teen
Aug 3, 2020
Daily Discipleship (Don't Delegate the Discipleship of Your, Part 2)
Daunting. Overwhelming. Difficult. Weird. Confusing. To be honest the task of the discipleship of our children can seem like all of these...

Talk with your Teen
Jul 25, 2020
Don't Delegate the Discipleship of Your Child, Part 1
Discipleship is difficult. Discipleship of your child is even more difficult. A couple months ago my son came home from children’s church...

Emery Page
Jun 6, 2017
13 Million Reasons Why (Two Minute Talk Tip)
God has called you as the parent of your child to protect them. It can be difficult especially when it comes to the media your teen...